Monday, October 15, 2007

Lift Port

Have you ever thought about constructing such a big tower, so high so high, that it even reaches the space? Well, its possible. Instead of a tower, place a cable made of a special nanomaterial, called nanotubes, and you will have one.

Would it be useful? When you want to send a Spaceship to the space its neccessary to scape to the strong forces of the earth gravitation. The actual method is using expensive rockets, and needing big amounts of fuel. But using that cable we would have a different option. An elevator, attached to the cable, would lift the spaceship really far away of the Earth, where the gravitational forces are really low. There the spaceship could use its own propulsion system to easily travel through the space.

That proyect of constructing that tower is not something utopic. The technology nowadays is good enough to allow it. Even there is a Company that will do it. LiftPort is the name of the proyect, and they have a date for the first launch. 27 oct 2031. The main problem now is the financial support.

Its also amazing the way of sending energy to the lift. Take a look in the official website. More information here:

In my opinion, its basic having something like this, that will allow a much bigger transportation of elements to the space, with a notorious lower price. Its only a neccesary and big step in our Conquest of Space!

PD. As a friend of mine says, isnt that suspicious? Did Akira Toriyama predict something?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi blogger!
It's amazing the great job you are doing by writing this blog. It's full of interesting things...thanks for sharing them with us.

By the way, your english is quite good! at least in my opinion, a spanish speaker :)

Well, you may know why I have written in that particular new (noticia) and not in another.

¡Saludos y sigue así!
