Friday, October 26, 2007

News source: Space.Com

Sometimes is a bit hard to have enough actualized information about one topic, and much more about the space missions and technology. That is why I want to recommend you this website: , where you have the last news of the most important events and missions. I have just recently found it, through a friend in my university, and I can not give you a totally precise opinion about it, but seems to be really well organized, in order to catch the most important news at first glance.

Of course, If you want to check for more detailed information of one specific mission, it is worth to visit or . The information there is really complete, with maybe some specifications, documents and multimedia presentations.

1 comment:

Luis Campos said...

¡Hola Santi! Soy Luis, el hermano de Gonzalo. Me encanta tu blog, es muy interesante; eres el mayor crack del universo! ^^ Yo no hubiera sido capaz de tomar la decisión de escribirlo en inglés, pero en el fondo creo que es lo mejor. Que sigas actualizándolo!

Un saludo